Jim Parsons
Jim Parsons makes tables, benches and stools from locally sourced wood using a variety of traditional techniques. He hand-carves woods such as ash and oak that are a by-product of sustainable forestry to create furniture of simplicity and beauty. The legs of his pieces feature his signature branch-bud, a detail drawn from nature that gives his work a naïve yet contemporary quality.
'I like to leave a few tool marks My work is unusual in that I am making something unique. I am inspired by organic forms. By ordinary things that happen to beautiful like the curve of a boat.' - Jim Parsons

The Suffolk Low Back Settle

Suffolk Oak Trestle Table
From £750

Suffolk Bench

Suffolk Round Side Tables
From £420

Oak or Ash Chopping Boards
From £75

The Suffolk High Back Settle

Suffolk Stools / Side Tables
From £325

Wenhaston Chair